Grant Guidelines

The Foundation will consider applications that align with HFNJ’s mission to reduce health disparities and improve the health and well-being of at-risk, underserved individuals and families in greater Newark, New Jersey, and the Jewish community of Greater MetroWest New Jersey.

Grants are made only to private, non-profit organizations that have tax exempt status under Section 501(C)3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code and that are not private foundations. The Foundation does not make grants to individuals or government agencies.


Guidelines Overview

Communities We Support

The Foundation awards grants to non-profit organizations that support vulnerable populations in the following catchment areas:

Organizations serving Newark, New Jersey and “greater Newark.”

Jewish organizations that fall under the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ, which incorporates Essex, Morris, Somerset, Union, and parts of Sussex counties.

From time to time, applications from organizations serving targeted, vulnerable populations elsewhere in Essex, Morris, and Union Counties in New Jersey may also be considered if the projects align with the Foundation’s priorities, giving interests, and mission.

Projects We Support

The Foundation provides support for the following type of projects:

Program grants, primarily those that seed new initiatives, address emergent needs, and/or replicate a promising approach.

Capital and equipment requests improving access to health assets or services or establishing an equitable standard of care.

Projects infusing practices of compassion and humanism into the delivery of healthcare.

Capacity-building requests strengthening an organization’s ability to deliver and sustain high quality services.

The Foundation does not typically fund the following:

Organizations outside of its catchment area (as defined above).

Programs NOT related to health care or wellness.

Applications for general operating support or planning grants.

Direct support of an individual’s healthcare needs.

Fundraising events or campaigns.

Advertising campaigns.

Lobbying and advocacy projects.


Important Attributes of the Grant Proposal

Please note that the Foundation receives more requests for funding than it has available funds to distribute. In reviewing applications for funding, the trustees and staff of the Foundation are sensitive to the following:

Mission Appropriateness

A thoughtfully-designed proposal will demonstrate how the project will have a positive impact on the health and well-being of underserved populations within the communities in our catchment area. We welcome requests from healthcare/mental health providers, community-based organizations, affinity groups, and neighborhood agencies that can demonstrate the capacity for community engagement and cultural competency in serving clients or constituents. Initiatives may address clinical care needs; behavioral health; health-related prevention or promotion initiatives; and health education/literacy.

Potential for Systems Impact

The Foundation seeks proposals that promise innovation and change or a significant enhancement of existing services. Applications that can demonstrate measurable quantitative as well as qualitative outcomes mitigating long-standing barriers to health and healthy living will be favored. In addition, we look for the ways in which the applicant partners with and works collaboratively with key stakeholders and community groups.

Plan for Assessment and Evaluation

Proposals should clearly identify the target population(s), the numbers of clients served, and the specific outcomes grantees seek to achieve, both within the grant period and longer term. The Project Evaluation Chart (logic model) is a key component of the proposal, and it illustrates the direct relationship between program objectives, activities, measures for data collection, and the outcomes. The strength of a plan to measure and prove the impact of a project will be a key consideration.

Potential for Fit/Partnership

The Foundation seeks grantee partners that are ably led, strive to empower those they serve, and work collaboratively in their communities. Potential grantees should be able to demonstrate a track record of programmatic integrity and success. Grantees are expected to meet high standards of governance, accountability, and fiscal management. At all times, Foundation trustees and staff strive to be respectful, responsive, transparent and collaborative, and we look for the same in our grantees.

Grant Budget

The budget request should be commensurate with its anticipated impact. Indirect or overhead costs are not automatically funded and are considered on a case-by-case basis.


Grantees should demonstrate how they are working toward supporting the development, implementation, and sustainability of promising programs. The plan for sustainable funding beyond HFNJ’s support plays a critical role in the proposal review. The Foundation’s standard grants allocate funding for a one year term; most grantees will be eligible to apply for renewals to extend projects that demonstrate progress into a second and third year.