Jewish Family Service of Central NJ

When older adults begin experiencing mild to moderate signs of dementia, it affects both them and their loved ones. Jewish Family Service of Central New Jersey runs the “Coffee House” program of support for individuals with a known or suspected dementia diagnosis. In addition, the program provides caregivers with respite.

In 2022, HFNJ provided a $50,000 grant to support the Coffee House. 18 individuals with dementia and their caregivers took part in the Coffee House during the project period, with a roster of approximately 12 actively participating at any given time as people entered and exited the program.

The strength of the program can be gauged by the profound impact it has on participants.  One male participant shared that “the program gives me a purpose in life rather than sitting around doing nothing”. Another member shared, “The CH gives me a reason to get out of bed, I love talking to others”. For the caregivers, one reflected that her husband “really likes the other members, finds it fun and keeps him happy. He comes home with a smile on his face. He loves you all so much. It’s a Godsend”. Another caregiver shared that “the respite care gives me the freedom to take classes, go to appointments and get her own therapy. I probably would have neglected my health otherwise”.

90% of both participants and their caregivers reported a decrease in depression after participating in the program for 6 months. Based on the success, HFNJ provided a $62,887 renewal grant for the project in 2023.